The project “Bulgarian Logistics Corridor (Asia-Port Varna-Central Europe)” – EU Gateway of the Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster (BSEZC) is set for implementation until 2027 in the Integrated Territorial Strategy for Development of the Northeast Region (NER) of Bulgaria
Thursday, 30 July 2020 15:14
REMTECHSTROY GROUP became one of the main founders of the National Association for Public Benefit “Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster” (BSEZC)
Thursday, 07 December 2017 11:24
“Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster” (BSEZC) National Association for Public benefit organized an OFFICIAL COCKTAIL on the occasion of its establishment by decision of Regional Court of Law of Varna. The official event was attended by a number of state officials – the district governors of Varna District – Mr. Stoyan Pasev, of the District of Shumen – Prof. Stefan Jelev, of Razgrad District – Mr. Gunay Husmen, of the District of Ruse – Mr. Galin Grigorov, and of Dobrich District – Krassimir Kirilov, representatives of the Technical University of Varna, Razgrad Municipality, official guests from Romania and Qatar.
The National Nonprofit Association „Future for Varna“ received officially declared support from Regional Administration of Varna for five of its projects-strategic for Varna and the region - Mega project «Super Varna 2025».
Tuesday, 02 August 2016 00:00
After successfully performed presentation by a author's team of experts (REMTEHSTROY Group and architects) and discussion at the Regional Administration of Varna before the Governor, the chief architect of Varna Municipality Mr. Viktor Buzev, The National Nonprofit Association in public benefit „Future for Varna“ received officially declared support of the Regional Administration Varna and of Regional Governor Mr. Stoyan Pasev for five strategic projects for the city of Varna and the region of Varna <additional information>.
Information about the status of the project: <additional information>.
“Super Varna 2025” Mega Project of REMTECHSTROY GROUP - Three investors available and five mega companies have declared interest in participation
Friday, 23 October 2015 00:00
Project – Author’s conception of a team of Remtechstroy Group and architects based on thorough research, marketing, and financial analysis of experts done within a period of 2 years for the transformation of the town of Varna into a modern international megalopolis, duty-free European zone, and attractive international tourist destination for year-round tourism and business within a period of 7 years. The Project is divided into 10 key sub-projects- in a larger scale the projects are elaborated in more details with a business plan, analysis, presentations and calculations for ROI, four of the projects are with ready architectural and design drawings for construction and realization.
Mega Project REMTECHSTROY GROUP «Super Varna 2025" - official presentation to Investors
Thursday, 02 January 2014 00:00
Megaproject REMTECHSTROY GROUP «Super Varna 2025» in Bulgaria is looking for a strategic investor/investors for the implementation of the megaproject or subprojects /level two/.
A megaproject whose purpose is to transform the town of Varna into a modern international megalopolis, a duty-free European trade mega zone and an attractive international tourist destination for year-round tourism and business within 7 years.
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