New REM 32 EXP Dynamic ( II generation) Dynamic Tamping Express 2 in 1press 2 IN 1
Monday, 19 November 2012 00:00
The REM "32EXP Dynamic" - Dynamic Tamping Express is a first generation high output fully automated REM Dynamic Tamping and Stabilizer Machine, special development and design by R&D Center “REM" with possibility for manufacture at stage zero in a REM plant by request of the client. This is a first generation of REM machine, automated with built – in autonomous systems: for full remote control, for on-line diagnostics during operation, radars, georadars, GPS, 3D control and other REM systems. Our clients obtain a new class of Dynamic Tamping Express with 24 month REM warranty, with high trustiness, high reliability and with high range of working tramsfer speed of up to 5 km/h. (More Information).
Read more: New REM 32 EXP Dynamic ( II generation) Dynamic Tamping Express 2 in 1press 2 IN 1
Welcome to REMTECHSTROY GROUP Online Store
Tuesday, 15 May 2012 14:33
Dear Customers, Welcome to REMTECHSTROY GROUP Online-Store-Platform CRM (www.tampers.eu).
Our team will assist you in Marketing and Delivery of railway rolling stock and railway mechanization directly from the Seller (from the real owner - Provider/Seller), and also in the sale of your railroad mechanization, wagons, railway products and railway services on worldwide railway market. We are extremely well aware of this market, through our everyday direct personal contacts with our net of clients, REM agents and REM dealers’ network all over the world. (More Information)
New REM 35D (II Generation) Dynamic Stabilizer
Monday, 21 November 2011 17:11
The REM 35D-II - Dynamic Stabilizer Machine is a second generation high output fully automated REM Dynamic Stabilizer Machine, special development and design by R&D Center “REM" with possibility for manufacture at stage zero in a REM plant by request of the client. This is a second generation of REM machine, automated with built – in autonomous systems: for full remote control, for on-line diagnostics during operation, radars, georadars, GPS, 3D control and other REM systems. Our clients obtain a new class of Dynamic Stabilizer Machine with 18 month REM warranty, with high trustiness, high reliability and with high range of working tramsfer speed of up to 2.5 km/h (More Information).
New Model REM C16II Switch Tamping Machine
Tuesday, 22 February 2011 00:00
A new REM C16II model of Switch Tamping Machine has successfully passed all factory tests and quality attestation. This is a new tamper model, a high productivity REM Switch Tamping Machine especially developed to cover the high requirements of our customers concerning speed, precision, need of productivity and long term of exploitation without a capital repair. The Tamper REM C16II distinguishes with fully original construction /a 3D project of REM engineer team by R&D Center “REM"/, a new model of tamping units, a laser system for levelling, standard option: air – conditioning, the machine has been equipped with western hydraulics system, electronics and a German engine model Deutz BF12L513C 12V.
The long 18 – month duration guarantee term, as well as the German engine and hydraulics gives a unique opportunity to our clients to choose REM C16II Universal Tamper to analogical machines of the same type of competitive manufacturers like: Unimat 08-275/4S - Plasser&Theurer AT or B 66 UC Matisa CH.
Our clients obtain the exclusively attractive purchase price without competition on the market, plus two additional bonuses: opportunity for purchase with leasing, or an opportunity for purchase of a new REM C16II tamper/ for an old tamper (with deduction of some percentage from the price upon return of an amortized tamper) upon completely 100 % guaranteed service performed by available subdivisions of REMTECH.
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