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What kind of railway mechanization are you looking for?


What kind of railway mechanization are you looking for?

Number of Voters
First Vote
Monday, 19 November 2012 17:05
Last Vote
Monday, 18 November 2024 13:44

What kind of railway mechanization are you looking for?

Hits Percent Graph
I would like to buy NEW REMTECH (, 18 months’ REM guarantee for new clients)
22 24.7%
I would like PRO MODERNIZATION with REM systems to be executed (from 12 to 18* months’ REM guarantee)
17 19.1%
I would like to buy SECOND HAND (with 6 months’ REM guarantee)
11 12.4%
I would like to buy NEW REMTECH (, 24* months’ REM guarantee- *signed exclusive contract by buyer)
8 9%
I would like to buy SERVICED SECOND HAND (with 12* months’ REM guarantee- *signed exclusive contract by buyer)а)
8 9%
I would like to buy SECOND HAND (no guarantee)
6 6.7%
I would like to RENT or TOGETHER with another party to execute a railway object (with REMTECHSTROY railway mechanization)
6 6.7%
I would like to buy CHEAP (no matter the technical status and guarantee)
5 5.6%
I would like to buy AVAILABLE (no matter the technical status and guarantee)
3 3.4%
I would like to buy at LEASING
2 2.2%
I would like REM MODERNIZATION to be executed (railway machine track- gauge change)
1 1.1%
I would like to buy UPON CAPITAL REPAIR (with 12 months’ REM guarantee)
0 0%