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Jordan/ Damascus, Syria

SYRIA, REMTECHSTROY ® Group (office SYRIA - for Syria/Iraq/Jordan/Sudan/Egypt/Libya/ Morocco/Nigeria)
Address for correspondence: Damascus, Yarmouk , str.No.30 , bl.Costco Mart ,entr.2, floor 1

  Online Customer Support (HelpDesk):

  Mobil BG: (+00359) 888 924870 (Perfectly speaking: English, Syrian, Arabic, Bulgarian)
  Mobil Syria: (+00963) 935 742 495 (Perfectly speaking: English, Syrian, Arabic, Bulgarian)
Commercial Director for Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria:
Mr. Dipl. Ing. Ibrahim Amura
  Tel:      00963-11-6329223
  Fax:     00963-11-6329223
  email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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