Die REMTECHSTROY GROUP wurde einer der Hauptgründer der Nationalen Vereinigung für gemeinnützige Zwecke „Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster“ (BSEZC).
Donnerstag, den 07. Dezember 2017 um 11:24 Uhr
REMTECHSTROY GROUP became one of the main founders together with the District Administration - Varna, TU-Varna, NGO "Future for Varna" and other NGOs of the National Association for Public Benefit “Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster” (BSEZC).
“Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster” (BSEZC) National Association for Public benefit organized an OFFICIAL COCKTAIL on the occasion of its establishment by decision of Regional Court of Law of Varna. The official event was attended by a number of state officials – the district governors of Varna District – Mr. Stoyan Pasev, of the District of Shumen – Prof. Stefan Jelev, of Razgrad District – Mr. Gunay Husmen, of the District of Ruse – Mr. Galin Grigorov, and of Dobrich District – Krassimir Kirilov, representatives of the Technical University of Varna, Razgrad Municipality, official guests from Romania and Qatar.
“Black Sea Economic Zone Cluster” (BSEZC) National Association for Public benefit organized an OFFICIAL COCKTAIL on the occasion of its establishment by decision of Regional Court of Law of Varna. The official event was attended by a number of state officials – the district governors of Varna District – Mr. Stoyan Pasev, of the District of Shumen – Prof. Stefan Jelev, of Razgrad District – Mr. Gunay Husmen, of the District of Ruse – Mr. Galin Grigorov, and of Dobrich District – Krassimir Kirilov, representatives of the Technical University of Varna, Razgrad Municipality, official guests from Romania and Qatar.