In 2011, 14 May - The REM 35D-II - Dynamic Stabilizer Machine is a second generation high output fully automated REM Dynamic Stabilizer Machine, special development and design by R&D Center “REM" with possibility for manufacture at stage zero in a REM plant by request of the client. This is a second generation of REM machine, automated with built – in autonomous systems: for full remote control, for on-line diagnostics during operation, radars, georadars, GPS, 3D control and other REM systems. Our clients obtain a new class of Dynamic Stabilizer Machine with 18 month REM warranty, with high trustiness, high reliability and with high range of working tramsfer speed of up to 2.5 km/h (read more).
In 2011, 27 April - The REM 80II "Enterprise" - Ballast Cleaning Machine is a second generation high output fully automated REM Ballast Cleaning Machine, special development and design by R&D Center “REM" with possibility for manufacture at stage zero in a REM plant by request of the client. This is a second generation of REM machine, automated with built – in autonomous systems: laser, for full remote control, for on-line diagnostics during operation, radars, georadars, GPS, 3D control and other REM systems. Our clients obtain a new class of Ballast Cleaning Machine with 18 month REM warranty, with high trustiness, high reliability and with high range of cleaning efficiency of up to 650-700 m3/h (read more... ).
In 2011, 22 February - A new REM C16II model of Switch Tamping Machine has successfully passed all factory tests and quality attestation. This is a new tamper model, a high productivity REM Switch Tamping Machine especially developed to cover the high requirements of our customers concerning speed, precision, need of productivity and long term of exploitation without a capital repair. The Tamper REM C16II distinguishes with fully original construction /a 3D project of REM engineer team by R&D Center “REM"/, a new model of tamping units, a laser system for levelling, standard option: air – conditioning, the machine has been equipped with western hydraulics system, electronics and a German engine model Deutz BF12L513C 12V (read more... ).
In 2011, 11 February - The REMTECHSTROY GROUP consortium has inaugurated a center for research and development in the town of Varna, as a part of a programme for development and expanding of its market share in Europe. The new renovated R&D Center “REM" - Railway Engineering/Machinery is situated next to the buildings of the Technical University in the town of Varna. It would completely profit from the available highly qualified engineering staff, engineers, lecturers and students for its further expansion and stabilization - (read more...)
In 2011, 02 January - Start New Service REMTECH™. Due to increased interest in USED and REBUILT railway machinery, REMTECHSTROY™ launches new service. Dear customers, REMTECH™ has at is disposal the largest railway equipment ( over 800 items) in the world, which is considered to contain over than eight hundred positions used and rebuild – heavy railway mechanization manufactured by companies like: Plasser, Matisa, Robel, Krupp, Harsco and others.
In 2010, 16 June - Discovery of new REM office in Belarus. The REMTECHSTROY Group opens new regional office in the city Fanipol - BELARUS. Due to increased interest REMTECH ™ railway machinery, the regional office in the city Fanipol will serve better and faster than our customers Belarus and Russia. Responsible Commercial Director for Belarus / Russia: Mr. Uladzimir Yarmolin: Tel: +375 (29) 08 92 618.
In 2010, 16 June - Promotion of REM™ Railway Construction Equipment in EU.The client is allowed to conclude a direct contract with REMTECHSTROY GROUP Head Office, plus a guarantee service contract from the service centers of REMTECHSTROY GROUP in EU, using the unique chance to buy equipment on REM manufacturer’s price till the end of 2010!. To each client, REMTECHSTROY GROUP offers 18 months complex guarantee service and after guarantee service carried out by the separate REMTECHSTROY GROUP sub-units in Europe: in Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Greece, Latvia, etc.
In 2010, 01 January - USA Remtechstroy Factory 06 - Opening of REM plant in USA.
In 2009, 01 sets of REM™ Tamper exported to USA. The machine is transported from the port to the client for an initial test and setup systems.
In 2007, CPU TU Ltd was founded.
In 2005, Remtechstroy Group passed the ISO9001 quality system certification.
In 2005, The end products quality has increased considerably after the replacement and the complete modernization of the CAD platforms, who used to operate since 1998. Nowadays the Consortium Remtechstroy Group is using PDM (Product Data Management) system to further bettering the product design flow management. At the same time, the employment of three dimensional design software greatly improves the product development efficiency. With the ERP system's introduction by the Electronic Information Department, the company is on the way of information industry management.
In 2004, Remtechnolodgy Ltd was founded.
In 2002, Remtechnology Ltd was founded.
In 1993, Solaris Ltd was founded.
In 1990, Plazmotronic2 Ltd was founded.
In 1975, SL "PT" of WPR [NPL po TZP /T U-Varna was founded. Secret Scientific production enterprise of Production Technology of Welding Production and repair as main activity: Specialized Repair and Welding parts, Military equipment and Heavy machinery under direct subordinates the Ministry of Defence of The Republic of Bulgaria.